Chilton, a renowned furniture business located in Freeport, Portland, and Scarborough, has been under new management for five years now and has been struggling to find their voice among their many competitors that are in Maine and greater New England. After undergoing a content strategy exercise, a brand book was created to give them key messages and to share them through multiple marketing channels including influencer marketing. Knotical established an influencer program for the brand and the first influencer project that was brought to life recently provided them further exposure to a younger target audience.

Kristan recommended influencer marketing to provide further promotion to their new products, new financial assistance services, and their emphasis on how all of their products can meet a variety of budgetary needs. They brought on two influencers based in Boston who have a focus on interior design and remodeling different types of rooms in the home. They met many digital deliverables including posts, stories, and blogs. Each influencer was provided a link to post on their profile when promoting the products and the link easily captured product transaction and website traffic results.

Chilton received a 10% increase in website visits and saw a 15% increase in their Instagram engagement and following.